Monday, July 27, 2009

The Story of the Great BJJ-Prophet Ezekiel-Choke pt.4

As it was thus written, Ezekiel was banished from the mat-lands, and a dark cloud covered the BJJ-world. For all was no longer joyful within the kingdom, and sorrow, like a mad wrestler, began to grip the gi of the land. Ezekiel was gone, and wandering alone without sparring partner nor teammate to help him, all were sure he would perish upon the hot, mat-less sands. And now, with Ezekiel gone, the BJJ-Pharaoh would tighten his chokehold upon the students of the temple even further, raising the training tax three-fold, blaming it on increased temple expenses, and enacting a despotic auto-grain-debit payment system from all in the kingdom. During his father’s reign, one could train for unlimited time for only one bushel of grain per month; But all was no more. the BJJ Pharaoh would auto-debit three bushels of grain and implement so many penalties for various gym infractions, all but the most favored would be forced to pay four bushels of grain on average per month, leaving little left to feed and house the families of the students. Times were melancholy, and some even spoke of leaving the mat-lands, and thus BJJ forever, and venturing to the jungle-lands of the Muay-Thai kingdom, forsaking grappling for striking, a thought most blasphemous, but thus was the sorrow of the time. The mats had gone gray and their minds were staph-like. It was at this time, when the students began to pray to the great BJJ-Lord for Ezekiel’s return in hopes he may free the whitebelts from the greedy BJJ-Pharaoh and take them to the promised gym, as was written in prophecy since the beginning of BJJ-times. For it was written, that in a time of great darkness, a mighty BJJ-prophet would emerge, who would free the whitebelts from their sorrow, and deliver them from the greed, politics and evil that had infected the beloved gentle art.

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