Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Story of the Great BJJ-Prophet Ezekiel-Choke pt.3

Gradually as time passed through the mat-lands like a kettlebell upon the wind, word of Ezekiel’s unselfish love and fervor for his students began to spread far and wide. And though the BJJ-Pharaoh kept a hold on membership of all classes in the kingdom like the deepest of triangles, whispers could be heard on the mats of many a BJJ’ers wish to train under the new teacher. Eventually, word of Ezekiel’s fame came to the Pharaoh’s ear and he cursed Ezekiel’s name for threatening his fame. The truth was, however, that Ezekiel had no intention of the kind and only wished to roll in harmony with his brother once again, but the Pharaoh’s jealousy was stronger than the strongest of armbars from which there is no escape. Thus, the BJJ-Pharaoh sought his revenge and wished to humiliate Ezekiel before all in the kingdom. The great mat-land competition was soon approaching, and the Pharaoh, knowing Ezekiel’s love of competition, would mischievously arrange to fight Ezekiel through a merger of brown and black belt levels alike. And thus it came to pass, that the young Ezekiel was brutally choked-out before all in the kingdom and humiliated by the Pharaoh. Because after Ezekiel tried to tap-out, the Pharaoh continued to hold him and not release the choke. Thus it came that Ezekiel fell unconscious and poo-ed his pants with some poo even falling upon the holy mats of the BJJ-temple, and, as according to ancient mat-land law, defiling the mats with poo, Ezekiel was banished from the kingdom and forced to wander the land-of-no-gyms forever, deep within the mat-less desert.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm amazing story of Jiu Jitsu
